Donnerstag, 17. Februar 2011

"The hot question of the day"

Die heisse Frage des Tages sei, so schreibt Haaretz-Journalistin Merav Michaeli in einem Kommentar, was die Menschen hier, also in Israel, auf die Strasse bringe: "Some say: Why should people here take to the streets? We have democracy, don't we? Free press, free consumption, a flourishing free market. People aren't going hungry, Facebook and Twitter are open to everyone. Plus, the poor here are dressed better than the poor in Egypt. Anyway, the poor in Israel are ultra-Orthodox and Arab - and for them it's a traditional thing, so they don't count. But the truth is that it is difficult to expect the Israeli public to take to the streets, because in fact it has too many things to protest." Eine Sache sei sicher, nämlich dass die israelische Regierung sich keiner Forderung von Demonstranten annehme. Ebenso wahr sei aber, dass alle auf eine Revolution hoffen -  und frustriert auf jene schauen, die es nicht nur versucht, sondern auch geschafft haben: "We want the same".

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